Friday, November 24, 2017

Post 8 Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

Hello, today I will write about my experience writing blogs in the English class, and it will be my last post of the year
I think the experience of writing blogs in the English class is a different way to improve writing,
because many times other activities are repetitive and unoriginal.
I feel that my writing skills have been developed more than with other activities, I also think that writing blogs has helped me to realize how much I still need to improve.
In the future I would like there to be more diversity of topics since many times the topics do not seem interesting
If there were a little more freedom when deciding what topic to write, the class would call much more attention. I think that writing blogs was an alternative way of doing the class, where using our creativity we were learning.
I think that in the future it would be good to combine that way of doing the class, with other activities to make it more dynamic. If you are looking for other ways to learn, writing blogs is a possibility
I hope you will use this advice to discover new ways to develop writing. Bye!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Post 7 A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

During the time I've been in university, I've studied different subjects, but the one I liked the most is prehistory.In classes we have learned about many cultures among which are the so-called mother cultures of different geographical spaces. Another thing that we do in the classes is to review the differences and similarities that occur in the processes of development of cultures, in order to recognize if they follow certain patterns.We have seen content about the construction, development and collapse of the most transcendental Andean and Mesoamerican cultures.We learn about their ways of life, ways of relating to space and among themselves, their diet, relationships with other cultures, etc.I like this subject of the university because I think it is interesting and necessary to know the different ways of life that existed before the arrival of the Spaniards.Also, I like it because it is related to the construction of our identity, recognizing mother cultures and their transcendence.I hope I can continue learning much more in this subject and that it remains one of my favorites

Post 6 Career related website OR Expert in your field

Ruth Benedict.jpg

The expert in anthropology that I admire is Ruth Benedict, she was born in New York City on June 5, 1887. She was an American anthropologist and folklorist. Her father was a surgeon and she died when she was little. His mother, Beatrice, had to work as a teacher in small towns to support her and her sister In the Second World War, she participated as a collaborator of the United States Army.  In 1951 Ruth Benedict participated in the Contemporary Cultures Research project at Columbia University, along with Ruth Valentine and Margaret Mead. In 1946, the first female president of the American Anthropological Association was elected. I like it because his life was not guided by the social prejudices of the time. In addition Ruth Benedict is an anthropologist of great importance, who stood out from its beginnings, accompanied by her mentor Franz Boas. His works not only meant a lot for the army of the United States but also were of great relevance for anthropology and for later investigations