Thursday, November 23, 2017

Post 7 A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

During the time I've been in university, I've studied different subjects, but the one I liked the most is prehistory.In classes we have learned about many cultures among which are the so-called mother cultures of different geographical spaces. Another thing that we do in the classes is to review the differences and similarities that occur in the processes of development of cultures, in order to recognize if they follow certain patterns.We have seen content about the construction, development and collapse of the most transcendental Andean and Mesoamerican cultures.We learn about their ways of life, ways of relating to space and among themselves, their diet, relationships with other cultures, etc.I like this subject of the university because I think it is interesting and necessary to know the different ways of life that existed before the arrival of the Spaniards.Also, I like it because it is related to the construction of our identity, recognizing mother cultures and their transcendence.I hope I can continue learning much more in this subject and that it remains one of my favorites

1 comment:

  1. Ohh!! prehistory sounds good, I would have liked take this subject
